LCL Logo Sirocco phone
LCL Logo Sirocco

Leesburg 229-759-2369  |  Oakland 229-889-0300
Redbone 229-903-8871 | Smithville 229-846-6625
Lee County Georgia

Leesburg 229-759-2369  |  Oakland 229-889-0300
Redbone 229-903-8871 | Smithville 229-846-6625
Lee County Georgia

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GALILEO, an initiative of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia and includes 100 databases indexing thousands of periodicals and scholarly journals. Over 10,000 journal titles are provided in full-text. Other resources include encyclopedias, business directories, and government publications.

Ancestry Library Edition

Ancestry: Library Edition is a free version of that is only available at the library through GALILEO.  Ancestry: Library Edition allows you to look through Death Records, Birth Records, Census, and Military Records.

Mango LanguagesMango Languages is a free online resource for learning different languages.  With Mango, you can choose from a list of 60+ languages!

Just follow this link to get started!

 Learning Express LibraryLearning Express Library is an online learning platform with over 770 practice tests, tutorials, and eBooks related to job search and workplace skills improvement, career certification and licensing exam preparation, college entrance exam and graduate school admissions exam preparation, GED exam preparation, and basic skills improvement in reading, writing, and math, for all ages.

Just follow this link to begin!


GALE is an online resource for customizable legal forms for personal and business needs including Wills, Bankruptcy, Real Estate, Divorce, and many many more!

Just follow this link to begin!

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